Prehistoric Earth: A Natural History Wiki

An Ambulocetus, a bizarre beast. He is a predator.
— Allen Johnson, about Ambulocetus
in New Dawn

Ambulocetus (name meaning "Walking Whale") is a genus of primitive amphibious cetacean that originated during the Early Eocene epoch in what is now Europe. Measuring 3 meters long and weighing 180 kg, this bizarre semi-aquatic mammal was among the very first form of whales to exist and is among the best-studied Eocene cetaceans.

In the Series 3 premiere "New Dawn," a male Ambulocetus named Nate was brought to the park from Early Eocene Germany, 49 million years ago after nearly getting killed by volcanic gas. He resides in the Whale Watching Enclosure with a female Ambulocetus named Mal.


Era & Discovery[]

Physical Attributes[]

Ambulocetidae - Ambulocetus

Ambulocetus skeleton

Behavior & Traits[]

Prehistoric Earth: A Natural History[]

Season 3[]

Journal Entry[]



  • The sound effects of the Ambulocetus are that of crocodilian, horse, and walrus sounds