Apidium (name meaning ''Small Bull'') is genus of primate that lived during the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene in what is now Africa.
In the Series 3 premiere "New Dawn," a group of Apidium were brought to the park from Late Eocene Africa, 36 million years ago. They reside in the Ape-Men Jungle Enclosure with other primates.
Era & Discovery[]
Apidium lived Africa during the Late Eocene around 36 million years ago. They were one of the earliest species of monkey to live.
Physical Attributes[]
Apidium were 30 cm long and weighed 300 g.
Like many modern primates, Apidium lived in trees which kept safe from predators that lived in their environment such as sharks and crocodiles. When fruit were at different trees at different times, they often had to cross the waterways of the mangrove swamps Apidium lived in which was a very risky activity. Like modern monkeys, leaping was one think that these primates were good at. However if some waterway were too wide to jump, Apidium had to find more hazardous ways across closer to water.
Behavior & Traits[]
Like many modern primates, Apidium lived in highly social groups and often spread word that quickly gets around when a threat is spotted.