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Carcharodontosaurus (meaning "Shark-Toothed Lizard") is a genus of carcharodontosaurid dinosaur that originated during the Middle Cretaceous period in what is now Africa. A close relative of Giganotosaurus measuring 13 meters in length and weighed over 6 tons, Carcharodontosaurus was one of the largest theropod dinosaurs ever discovered. It is famous for its teeth, which strongly resemble the teeth of a great white shark, hence its name.

In the Series 2 episode "Battle for Dominance," a pair of Carcharodontosaurus were brought to the park from Middle Cretaceous Africa, 95 million years ago.


Era & Discovery[]

Carcharodontosaurus lived in Africa during the Middle Cretaceous period, around 113 – 90 million years ago. One of the top predators of its time and region, Carcharodontosaurus was the natural rival of Spinosaurus. They were first discovered in 1924 and were given their name due to their teeth bearing strong resemblance to a great white shark.

Physical Attributes[]

Carcharodontosaurus was one of the largest predatory dinosaurs that ever walked the Earth. Standing 15.5 feet (4.72 m) tall, measuring 39 – 44 feet (12 – 13.5 m) long, and weighing up to 6 tons (13,000 lb), Carcharodontosaurus was the fourth largest carnivorous dinosaur of all time. The only ones as large as or larger than them are Spinosaurus, Giganotosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus rex. It was a carnosaur, related to Allosaurus, Australovenator, and Giganotosaurus. It had somewhat short arms with 3 sharp talons on each hand. It had long, powerful legs, suggesting speed for such a big animal. The shark-toothed lizard also had a long tail designed for balance while moving, and to help even out the weight in its huge head.

Ultimate Dinosaurs Carcharodontosaurus

Carcharodontosaurus skull

Carcharodontosaurus had a long, thin skull that measured 5 feet (1.8 m) long, currently making it the theropod with the second-largest skull, right after its close cousin, Giganotosaurus, and was armed with over 50 blade-like teeth in its powerful jaws that measured 20 cm. Hence their name, when they were discovered, the sharp, serrated teeth of these meat-eating dinosaurs possessed matching characteristics, in fact, strong resemblances to the teeth of a great white shark (or known by its scientific named Carcharodon carcharias). Ergo, paleontologists named the dinosaur Carcharodontosaurus.

Behavior & Traits[]

Like some theropod dinosaurs, Carcharodontosaurus hunted in pairs as opposed to packs but was a solitary hunter as well. They often competed for food against their natural adversary, Spinosaurus. When hunting in pairs, these predators could not only bring down the sauropod dinosaurs of their environment but also fight off a single Spinosaurus. Like other theropods, Carcharodontosaurus generally attacked the sick, weak, old, and slowest members of a herd of herbivorous dinosaurs. Armed with cunning and serrated, jagged teeth as large as knife blades, they struck at their own will with incredible force.



  • Carcharodontosaurus is the fourth largest predatory dinosaur ever been, as well as the second member of the Carcharodontosaurids family brought to the park.
  • The sound effects of Carcharodontosaurus are that of jaguar, leopard, lion, tiger, and altered elephant sound effects.