Crystal "Crissie" Johnson is Allen's well-behaved teenage daughter. At first, she was too young to accompany them on missions. However, she has managed to sneak onto the team's vehicles from time to time and had seen the amazing prehistoric animals they rescue. When she turned 17, she was fully able to go on adventures with Allen, Rebecca, and the team.
Crystal Johnson was born on June 2, 2008 to Allen and Olivia Johnson.
As a child, Crystal was playful, innocent, and full of wonder. As she grew up, she still possessed her friendly side, but she also grew determined and adventurous. Also, Crystal seemed to have a happy life with both her parents as well as Shaun, Joanna, and even Ruby and Edward. After her mother's death, Crystal was heartbroken, but she still had her father, grandfather, and aunt as well as Allen's friends. Additionally, Crystal immediately bonded with Rebecca when they first met. Upon barely escaping the explosion of the meteorite during the K-T extinction, Crystal and Rebecca became much closer. Through her kindness and selflessness, Crystal quickly accepted Rebecca as a mother-like figure.
Physical Description[]
Crystal Johnson is a Caucasian young girl, standing 5'4" (originally 4'10"), with reddish-brown hair and blue eyes. Allen commented that her physical appearance is similar to her mother. Her wardrobe consists of t-shirts, hoodies, pants, and boots. She also wears a specially made windbreaker jacket that her mom wore before she died.
Allen Johnson[]
More than anything in the world, Crystal loves and idolizes her father, Allen. They have a very close relationship.
Olivia Johnson[]
Ruby Van Pelt[]
Edward Quartermain[]
Joanna Bakker[]
Rebecca Slatters[]
Crystal witnessed Rebecca speaking to her father about working at the park. Not too long after, she met Rebecca for the first time and the two quickly become attached, with Crystal hugging Rebecca after coming back from the Devonian seas. Even after Rebecca learns of how Crystal's mother Olivia died and while she acknowledges that Crystal isn't her daughter, she accepts Crystal as such, regardless of non-relation. Following the escape from the K-T Meteor extinction, Crystal accepted Rebecca as a mother-figure. Throughout the series, the two continue to get along, especially when Allen had fallen ill before heading into the African Savannahs of the Pliocene. During that time, Rebecca became very protective of her, even risking her own life to save her from wild animals.