Daemonosaurus (day-mow-no-sour-us; name meaning "Demon Lizard") is a genus of theropod dinosaur that originated during the Late Triassic period in what is now North America. Though small, measuring 2 meters long and weighing less than 10 kg, Daemonosaurus was intelligent, lethal, and cunning pack hunter that brought down its prey in large numbers.
In the Series 2 premiere "New Blood", a pack of Daemonosaurus somehow followed the team through the portal from Late Triassic Arizona, 225 million years ago.
Era & Discovery[]
Daemonosaurus lived in New Mexico during the Late Triassic period from 225 – 208 million years ago. It lived alongside other creatures like Coelophysis, Plateosaurus, Placerias, and other Triassic creatures. They were first discovered at Ghost Ranch in 2011.
Physical Attributes[]
Daemonosaurus were rather small for predatory dinosaurs, let alone a Triassic dinosaur, standing about 2 feet tall, measuring 5 – 7 feet (1.6 – 2.2 m) in length, and weighed 9 kilograms (20 lbs.)
They possessed a very thin and fragile-looking body structure which made them fast and agile; with long, thin forearms and double-jointed legs, and a roundish skull equipped with large, round eyes and tiny sharp teeth. They also had some individual differentiation in vocal tone, with some Daemonosaurus having a hoarser and deeper voice than others.
Behavior & Traits[]
Despite their small size, Daemonosaurus was nevertheless a lethal and dangerous dinosaur. Coming from a time where the world was dominated by giants, Daemonosaurus, like the dromaeosaurs of the later Cretaceous period, were pack hunters which attacked in numbers to bring down their prey. When possible, Daemonosaurus preferred to close in on their targets and attack from above. They also usually preferred to attack loners if they could since lone prey wouldn't have a numerical advantage.
Like wolves, Daemonosaurus packs were each led by an alpha, which would command the subordinates in attacking prey. They had a close pack mentality and loyalty; when one Daemonosaurus was captured or trapped, the others of the pack would actively work to rescue and free it, and the Daemonosaurus pack would follow their alpha wherever it went.
They relied on intelligence and cunning, which made them quick problem-solvers who were able to learn on their feet from mistakes to overcome tricks, traps, and hazards. Daemonosaurus was also known to have an affinity for collecting and gathering shiny objects and materials, similarly to crows and magpies.
Daemonosaurus were highly territorial creatures; when they claimed a territory, they would attack and kill any intruders. However, it was still possible to conquer Daemonosaurus territory and take it from them, in which case the Daemonosaurus would, upon leaving, not ever return.
- In addition to being some of the first, Daemonosaurus is also among the smallest dinosaurs ever.
- The sound effects of Daemonosaurus are that of lizard, snake, vulture, and wolf sound effects.