Prehistoric Earth: A Natural History Wiki
Prehistoric Earth: A Natural History Wiki

Megantereon is a machairodont felid from early Pliocene to middle Pleistocene North America, Eurasia, and Africa. It may have been the ancestor of the later Smilodon.

In the Series 3 episode "The Walking Ape", a few Megantereon were brought to the park from Pliocene Africa 3.2 million years ago. They reside in the Saber Tooth Rock Enclosure with other saber tooth cats.

Later in the Series 4 episode "New Arrivals", a Megantereon was seen waiting to feast on a wildebeest that was killed by a group of Homo Ergaster in Early Pleistocene Africa, 1½ million years ago. It was not rescued and brought to the park due to already being at the park.


Era & Discovery[]

Physical Attributes[]

Megantereon cultridens skeleton

Megantereon skeleton

Behavior & Traits[]

Journal Entry[]



  • Megantereon hunted Australopithecus much more than it's relative Dinofelis.
  • Megantereon is one of the first prehistoric cats brought to the park.
  • The sound effects of Dinofelis are that of leopard, tiger, and lion sound effects as well as sound effect of the Lion from Jumanji.