Prehistoric Earth: A Natural History Wiki
Prehistoric Earth: A Natural History Wiki

The biggest land mammals of all time. A 12 ton giant called Paraceratherium, mammals that rivals in size the dinosaurs of old.
— Allen Johnson, about Pacacerathium
in The Big, The Bad, and The Ugly

Paraceratherium (name meaning "Near the Hornless Beast"), also known as Indricotherium, Baluchitherium, or simply called the Giant-Giraffe Rhinoceros, is a genus of large hornless rhinoceros that originated during the Early Oligocene epoch in what is now Asia. The largest terrestrial mammal of all time, standing over 7 meters tall and weighing around 15 tons (taller, larger, and heavier than an African elephant), Paraceratherium was essentially a giant rhinoceros trying to be a giraffe, hence its nickname the "Giant-Giraffe Rhinoceros".

In the Series 3 episode "The Big, the Bad, and the Ugly," several Paraceratherium including a female and her calf were brought to the park from Late Oligocene Mongolia 25 million years ago. They reside in the Giraffe Grasslands Enclosure with other animals.


Era & Discovery[]

Physical Attributes[]


Paraceratherium skeleton

Behavior & Traits[]

Journal Entry[]



  • Paraceratherium is the largest mammal brought to the park.
  • Though named Paraceratherium, it is referred to in the series as Indricotherium.
  • Despite it's large size and that nothing big enough to attack them, large theropod dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus rex for example, are capable of injuring and even killing an adult Paraceratherium.