“ | Do you remember when you first brought me here? To me, it was... a miracle. All these creatures. You read about them in books, you see the fossils in museums, but you don't really believe it. They're like myths. And then you see one of them, for the first time... alive. Allen, I know I struggled at first. But I don't regret coming here for a second. I'm grateful for the adventures you've shown me. But, I can't do this without you. I need - I want you with me for the rest of my life. I was just too scared to tell you how I feel before. Allen, I... | „ |
— Rebecca, to Allen in Death of a Dynasty II: The Return of the King |
Rebecca Slatters is the current chief veterinarian of Prehistoric Earth and the overall deuteragonist of the series. A former successful Los Angeles veterinarian, Rebecca got fired from her job after a wealthy benefactor's pet horse dies in her care. Out of a job and no other place willing to hire her, she accepts an offer from Allen Johnson and Joanna Bakker at Prehistoric Earth.
Rebecca Slatters was born and raised in a cabin in Montana, the youngest of two children. She was passionate about animals from childhood, and with her family's support, she dedicated her life to helping both domestic and wild animals. Rebecca became a well-known, respected, and successful veterinarian. She was engaged to be married to Taylor Christopher, but was fired from her job after she triaged a dying pet belonging to a teenager before she attended to the pet of a billionaire hospital benefactor. The benefactor's pet died, and Rebecca was blacklisted by every vet in Los Angeles. She spent the following weeks in a tailspin of pity before she met Allen Johnson, who convinced her to take a position at Prehistoric Earth.
Prehistoric Earth: A Natural History[]
Series 1[]
In Pilot: New Safari, on a sunny late spring afternoon, Rebecca plays tennis with some friends when she gets a call about a dog needing to be treated for eating a key chain. When she arrives at her vet office, before she starts operating on the dog, Rebecca learns that a horse belonging to one of the hospital's major sponsors is also at the vet ready to give birth, but had also suffered injuries from being attacked by a cougar. Once the horse was stable, Rebecca saw that the dog had treated before needing more attention. She decides to operate on the dog first then operate on the horse, desiring to save them both. However, while Rebecca was operating on the dog, the horse as well as the unborn colt died due to the injuries received from the cougar and complications with the birth. This lead to Rebecca being reviewed by the board through a disciplinary hearing. After she tried to explain why her actions were as they were, the board fired Rebecca. In addition, the family that owned the horse had her blacklisted from every vet within Los Angeles. With this forthcoming, Rebecca's life began to fall apart.
Having been unemployed for weeks, Rebecca's fiancé Taylor Christopher (who had sided with the vet in blaming her for the horse's death) harshly scolded her and returned the engagement ring to her. Going further into a spiral and not yet finding a job, Rebecca gets an email from Allen Johnson, a zoologist known throughout the world. He requests to meet with her, to which she replies with a time and place. A few days later, Rebecca meets with Allen. She seems taken by him. He then offers her a job at a "biological preserve" he and others have established. Though honored, she is then unsure, especially not entirely knowing the inner-workings of this preserve. Allen understands, especially when he admits to her that he is aware of her incident and says he also would have done the same thing, regardless of the consequences. He then asks her to think about the offer, leaving her with a card that is a location to an airfield, saying the plane will be leaving in one week.
Following that, Rebecca meets with her sister Danielle to ask for advice, to which she tells Rebecca to take the job. The next day, Rebecca meets Allen as well as Joanna "Jo" Bakker, Allen's boss, at an airport and boarded a double decker private plane bringing along her luggage and her pet cat Luna in a cat carrier. During the flight, Rebecca often spoke with Allen and Jo further on the preserve. They only said that she would find out when she arrived, then going on to ask why they hired her. That morning, they finally arrived at the preserve where she met many of the staff members as well as Allen's daughter Crystal and their family dog Caine who sniffed her cat carrier carrying her cat. Rebecca saw a number of wild animals and is shocked by the size and design of all the enclosures as the preserve was also going to home to a number of prehistoric animals that they will be brought to it through a time portal they built.
When she accepted the job, Rebecca began to work with many of the staff members of the park as its chief veterinarian so she can operate the injuries of prehistoric animals that Allen is planning to rescue from prehistory.
In Water Dwellers, Rebecca joins Allen and the team on her very first mission through prehistory, first venturing to the shallow seas of China during the Early Cambrian, 530 million years ago. During the mission, she encountered an Anomalocaris and soon found herself in a fight between two of them. She got away quickly.
In Giant Swamp Bugs, after rescuing the animals living in the Scottish swamps of the Late Carboniferous, Rebecca looks at a sting that Allen got while rescuing Pulmonoscorpius and tells him that he will be okay as she knew that scorpion vemon was designed to kill insect and are ineffective on humans due to being a mammal.
In Sail Backs, once the team returned from the Early Permian 280 million years ago, Rebecca nurses Scarlet-Eye the park's resident Dimetrodon to health by giving her meat so she can be healthy and strong again while at the same time brooding Scarlet-Eye's eggs so they can hatch.
Series 2[]
In New Blood, Rebecca had grown closer to Allen and even became a mother-figure to his daughter Crystal, even as they begin to travel through the 160 million year of dinosaurs starting in the shrub lands of the United States during the Late Triassic, 220 million years ago.
In Land of Giants II: Ballad of Big Al, after rescuing Big Al, an adolescent male Allosaurus from the wetlands of the United States during the Late Jurassic 150 million years ago, Rebecca operated and used treatment on Al's toe injury. Soon enough, he was healed from his injuries and back to full health.
In Master of the Skies, after they rescued a male Ornithocheirus who had almost died from heat exhaustion from the shorelines of Europe during the Early Cretaceous, 127 million years and even a female Ornithocheirus, Rebecca gives the male food and water he would recover and mate with the female.
In Dinobirds, once they rescued both the Microraptors and Borealosaurus from the forests of China during the Early Cretaceous, 125 million years ago, she operates on one of the Microraptors' wing that got injured by a frighten Borealosaurus during the volcano eruption and repairs it the same she did to birds back at vet in Los Angeles.
Later in Death of a Dynasty II: The Return of the King, just before they were able to rescue the last dinosaurs, Rebecca finally admitted her feelings to Allen, admitting she doesn't regret coming to the park as well as being grateful for the adventures he had been showing during her time there, and the two soon kissed afterwards. Once they had successfully rescued a pack of Tyrannosaurus from Late Cretaceous Montana, 65 million years ago at the moment of the meteor strike, Rebecca and Allen shared another kiss. The two of them decided to pursue a romantic relationship.
Series 3[]
In New Dawn, Rebecca had been dating Allen for the past six months while still rescuing prehistoric animals from extinction. Rebecca has been monitoring a female Ornithomimus who laid a large clutch of eggs would become the first baby dinosaurs in 65 million years.
In The Walking Ape, Rebecca was left in charge of going to Late Pliocene Africa, 3.2 millon years ago to rescue Australopithecus due to Allen fallen ill with the flu. While on their mission, Rebecca and the team follows a troop of Australopithecus throughout the African Plains when they lost their territory to rival group.
In Mammoth's Undertaking Journey, while traveling through the tundras of Siberia during the Late Pleistocene, 150,000 years ago, she along with Allen and his team saw a Neanderthal named Turok who was gathering firewood for his nearby tribe but was rammed by a Woolly Rhinoceros that was grazing, she uses treatment on him even though she has not healed a human being before. While traveling through Siberia 40,000 years she and the rest of the team were attacked by a group of Neanderthals, with one of them (a considerably strong individual) grabbing her by her neck and lifting her off the ground with his strength. Later, while in the woods of Late Pleistocene Siberia again this time, 10,000 years ago after being another Woolly Mammoth back due to her wound, Rebecca operates on the mammoth's wound the same way people operates elephant injuries.
She soon discovers that the shaman of a group of Cro-Magnons that followed them from Siberia 40,000 years ago named Eytukan was her prehistoric ancestors with looking after the sick and injured of both humans and animals being apart of her family's heritage.
Series 4[]
In New Arrivals, Rebecca is left in charge of Prehistoric Earth's breeding program and helps breed many of the prehistoric animals that the team have rescue throughout the 500 million years of evolution. Later, while visiting Middle Pleistocene Europe, 400,000 years ago while watching a group of Homo Heidelbergensis hunt an adult Megaloceros one of them got injured by the deer's massive antlers, Rebecca and the team eventually operates the injury so the male Homo Heidelbergensis would get better. While the team visited Early Pleistocene Africa, 1½ million years ago, she operates an injury that a Homo Ergaster received after brutally fighting another individual.
Rebecca is a brilliant, compassionate, strong, dedicated, and humorous woman. She's passionate about and fiercely protective of wildlife. While some would call her difficult, she'd prefer to be though of as persistent. Crystal at one pointed compared Rebecca to her mother, saying to her father Allen "she's a lot like mom in some ways". Throughout almost the entire first season, following her spiral from being fired, Rebecca spent time getting used to Prehistoric Earth and having her foot in both worlds, but not sure which way she was going to go. By the end of season one, she has jumped right into Prehistoric Earth and resigned herself to that life.
Physical Description[]
Rebecca is a beautiful Caucasian woman in her mid 30's standing 5'7" with red hair and green eyes. At first, her wardrobe consisted of a more professional attire; clothing authentic to her job as a veterinarian as well as attire for social/formal occasions. Since her recruitment to Prehistoric Earth, whether in present times at the park or during missions in prehistoric times, Rebecca wears outfits more suitable/fitting to a jungle safari as well as an outdoor lifestyle: buttoned jackets and shirts as well as pants, belts, and boots. However, when she travels through wintery landscapes (for example, the Ice Age when she joins Allen to rescue the Woolly Mammoth from extinction), Rebecca wears a winter attire: heavy coat, gloves, snow cap, scarf, snow pants, and boots.
Danielle Slatters[]
Rebecca has a very close relationship with her sister, often reaching out to her for advice.
Allen Johnson[]
While she had heard of him before, when Rebecca met Allen for the first time, she was immediately taken by him. However, she did her best to keep her relationship with Allen professional. Over time, the two grew closer. In Death of a Dynasty II: The Return of the King, Rebecca finally admitted her feelings to Allen and the two began a romantic relationship that lasts to this day.
Crystal Johnson[]
Crystal immediately bonded with Rebecca when she met her for the first time. Rebecca seems to really like Crystal, often looking out for her and treating her as her own daughter. While Crystal admits no-one could ever take her mother's place, she does treat Rebecca in the same regard.
Joanna Bakker[]
Shaun Wells[]
Rebecca has developed a sibling-like relationship with Shaun.
Rachel MacLeod[]
Taylor Christopher[]
Rebecca was engaged to Taylor, following a three year relationship (both of them living together at her apartment), but they broke up just prior to her introduction to Allen Johnson and the world of Prehistoric Earth. When Rebecca was fired from her job at the vet, Taylor sided with the bored and criticized her to trying to fix what was out of her control. He left soon after and returned the engagment ring.
Ruby Van Pelt[]
Rebecca has something similar to a love-hate relationship with Ruby, as she does not approve of her "less than friendly and more like shoot-to-kill first" methods when it comes to animals. However, the two do seem to work well together, despite being essentially opposite sides of a coin. Over time, Rebecca and Ruby develop a sense of mutual respect for one another, especially when Ruby watches Rebecca's courage when defending Crystal from dangerous animals.
Rebecca formed a bond with a Neanderthal named Turok once she operates on his injuries left from a Woolly Rhinoceros. When Turok and the rest of his followed the team back the park Rebecca eventually started to visit him.
Rebecca formed a likeness to Eytukan after learning that he is her prehistoric ancestor living as a shaman of his tribe after following the team from Ice Age Siberia.