Ruby Van Pelt is a main character in the series. She is a cruel, experienced and talented huntress whose methods put her at odds with Allen. She is also his sister-in-law and Crystal Johnson's aunt.
Not much is known about Ruby's early life. However, she is the sister of Allen's deceased wife Olivia and the aunt of Crystal Johnson. According to Ruby and even Allen himself, she got along well with her sister despite their differences, even up to the day she died. Following Olivia's death, Ruby get into the business of hunting and gained notoriety for her "less than gentle" methods when hunting fauna, prehistoric or otherwise. She has been declared as a "big-game hunter who hunts the most dangerous game." Some have said she can hunt anything, large or small, slow or fast, predator and prey alike. Despite this, there have been moments throughout her life where her hunts have gotten the better of her.
Physical Description[]
Ruby Van Pelt is a slender but physically fit and beautiful woman standing at 5'7" with long blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Her outfits consists of typical safari clothing; jackets, shirts, belts, cargo pants, and boots (i.e. combat, hiking, or work). However, during special occasions, such as parties, she wears a fine white button up shirt highlighted by a white gold belt, dark leather slacks, and black high heeled boots.
Ruby has been shown to be attractive, tough, calculating and intelligent, but rather coldly pragmatic. Dedicated to getting the job done no matter the cost, she doesn't care what animal she is after, so long as no-one stands in her way. Whenever her targets manage to get away from her, she shows determination and commitment, but also impatience, to finish the job. Despite her bad qualities, the only person nice to her and she is even partially nice to in return is her niece Crystal. Additionally, to a certain extent, she tolerates Allen, being that he was married to her sister and is the father of her niece.
Prehistoric Earth: A Natural History[]
Series 1[]
In Sail Backs, Ruby met Rebecca and was quite dismissive of her.
Series 2[]
In Death of a Dynasty II: The Return of the King, Ruby hunted in the forests of the Cretaceous for Tyrannosaurus and eventually encountered one with a dead Ornithomimus in its mouth and chased her until it lost sight of her. Later she came across an Ankylosaurus roaming through the prehistoric woodland. Ruby shoots it but this enraged the dinosaur, causing it to defend itself with its club tail.
Series 3[]
In The Walking Ape, Ruby heard her brother-in-law planning to go into the Late Pliocene to rescue mankind's earliest ancestors and prepared her hunting gear. When she learned that Rebecca was leading the rescue mission as Allen was sick, she accept her leading with reluctance. While going through the Pliocene's African savannas following a troop of Australopithecus outcast from their territory by a rival troop, an aggressive male Deinotherium attacks the hominids until Ruby tries to shoot it which enrage it as it's skin were thick as an elephant's and slams into the jeep.
In Saving the Sabre Tooth, Ruby goes with the team into the South American plains of the Early Pleistocene to rescue both the Terror Bird and the Saber-Tooth Cats. When the team gets attacked by two Smilodon brothers, Ruby uses her gun and tries to shoot them, but unfortunately she missed. Later when the team splits into two groups after Half-Tooth was outcast from his pride, Ruby joins Allen and his group to follow Half-Tooth while rescuing animals along the way. She tries to shoot some Doedicurus fighting for a mate until Allen stops her and tells her that their armor was thick for bullets. Ruby hunts a male Macrauchenia which Half-Tooth was also hunting until this failed when a Megatherium crashed through the undergrowth.
After Half-Tooth reclaimed his crown after defeating one of the brothers following the death of the other one, Ruby kills the defeated and collect the big cat as apart of her hunting trophy collection.
In Mammoth's Undertaking Journey, Ruby hunts for animals living in the Ice Age environments of Europe, North America, and Siberia. When the team gets attacked by a group of Neanderthals, Ruby protects her niece while fighting off the Ice Age humans. Later when the team gets attacked by a pack of wolves while trying to protect a wounded Woolly Mammoth, Ruby uses her gun to shoot at and scare off the wolves. While rescuing animals of Ice Age North America, Ruby hunts a White-Tailed Deer until it was killed by some Paleo-Indians that were hunting the same deer.
Olivia Johnson[]
While their relationship wasn't shown prior to the series, Ruby was said to have been very close with her sister Olivia, in fact inseparable. Ruby grieved dearly over her sister's death. On several occasions, she would speak to Allen in a way that would indicate she blames him. However, she tolerates him and helps him on missions from time to time, as well as take care of Crystal, because it's what her sister would want.
Crystal Johnson[]
Ruby is very close with her niece, often telling her the dangers of the animals she has hunted. While like her father Crystal doesn't approve of Ruby's methods, she loves her aunt nevertheless.
Edward Quartermain[]
Allen Johnson[]
Joanna Bakker[]
Rebecca Slatters[]
When Ruby met Rebecca for the first time, she seemed somewhat dismissive of her. While not anything along the lines of rude to her and even respecting her abilities to look after wounded animals, Ruby seemed to doubt Rebecca, believing she didn't have what it takes to survive in the Prehistoric World. Even at one point, Ruby sized herself up with Rebecca, stating she knows all about her. However, Rebecca never lets Ruby get to her. Overtime, Ruby began to respect Rebecca, especially when keeping Crystal safe during various missions, even from dinosaurs.